Thursday, October 11, 2007

ARMA Brit Literary Award

I am now in the league of literary fellows of ARMA. I was the co-recipient of the Brit Literary Award for the article that Ellie and I wrote last year on the ISO 17799 standards.

The article deals with the convergence of information security with records management and gives the Corporate Records Manager some tools and insight into the world of information security.

This award is a great honor and I am proud to be the 2007 co-recipient!!

ARMA Recap

Well it's been a bit crazy around town for the past month. We just finished the ARMA show in Baltimore. The show was great, with lots of traffic to the booth. The iPod giveaway was a huge sucess at the show, but the "best in show" was the Entium Pedometers. They were a huge hit with the visitors.

We did get work done as well. We met a lot of great people from companies all around the world. We gained some insights into their "issues" and how they are looking to solve them.

One additional positive note was that unlike past years almost every company we spoke to has a Records Program in place. Almost all of the people that stopped by said that they were at the show to learn about what was happening in the industry.

I'll continue to update you on the presentation as it evolves.