Monday, September 8, 2008

Chrome Review - Update

So I've been using the Chrome Browser now for a few days.  There have been a few new surprises that I have encountered with the browser, but not enough to take the shine off Chrome.  These litle bugs include:

Mapquest add-on for Facebook won't install with Chrome.  I know what you are going to say, its not a business application.  However, the methods that developers use to integrate with Facebook ar ones that apply to other "business" sites.  So its important to note that the "Where You have been" application does not behave correctly in Chrome. 

SharePoint.  Yes, believe it or not accessing our SharePoint intranet site is a bit of a pain in Chrome.  The site is very slow and some of the functions don't lay out correctly in the browser.  This is probably due to Microsoft's interpretation of the standards.  
Bottom line 
Livelink ECM = Zippy = Chrome
MS SharePoint = Sluggish = Chrome

Some reasons why I like Chrome:
  • Open Source
  • Tabs are nice
  • Fast
  • popup search (cntrl-F)
  • seamless blocking of popups
  • Paste and Go!!
  • Search and Address bar in one!
Keep watching for more updates on Chrome and all things ECM

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