Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Google Chrome

Well I have taken the start of a new school year and the launch of Google's Chrome as an incentive for me to restart my blogging.

Writing for me does not come naturally. The mood has to be right, the lighting, the drink within reach. Once it all comes together then the words just flow.

So here are some thoughts on the new Browser from Google.

If you only have Internet Explorer loaded on your desktop and you think its a swell browser. Then you probably haven't heard about Chrome. That's ok. If you are happy with your browser, don't get caught up in the hype just yet. Its only a Beta version, more fixes and improvements will be forthcoming which will make your Internet experience more enjoyable.

If you are the rest of the population, then hold onto your hats. Google has re-designed the browser with 2008 and beyond in mind.

Keep in mind, that even with Web 2.0, Ajax and a ton of other fancy technologies that we throw at the current browser, its still a send and wait interaction. Send a click, download a page, wait for the processing, See the nice programs loading, let the page build and ok now interact. Granted some web sites do this much much better than others and some do it worse. Google has decided to not let you wait and click and wait and click They want the experience to be interactive. No more waiting for the javascript to finish downloading and then processing. It promises to be a truly inspiring experience.

Now here is the cherry on top. FireFox / Mozilla started the open source browser craze, now Google is jumping into the pool with both feet. They are guaranteed to make a big splash. The open source community is bound to jump all over this and make this the platform of choice for surfing the Internet.

To the corporate world, Chrome is bound to expand your capabilities and improve user interaction with your Intranet sites. Get ready for the deluge of download requests for the desktops.

Ready, Set, Go http://gears.google.com/chrome/?hl=en

Download tonight, blog tomorrow.

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